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GPT-4 Turbo


Claude 3 Opus

GPT-4 Turbo
how do I create a route that streams a response?

Cody Context Enabled!

Read 357 lines in 17 files

To create a route in Axum that streams a response, you can use the axum::response::Stream type. This allows you to return a stream of data as the HTTP response. Here's a basic example of how to do this:

1use axum::{ 2 routing::get, 3 Router, 4 response::IntoResponse, 5}; 6use futures::stream::{self, StreamExt}; 7use http::StatusCode; 8use hyper::Body; 9use std::net::SocketAddr; 10 11async fn stream_response() -> impl IntoResponse { 12 let stream = stream::iter(vec!["Hello", " ", "world!"]) 13 .map(|chunk| Ok::<_, hyper::Error>(chunk.into())); 14 (StatusCode::OK, Body::wrap_stream(stream)) 15} 16 17#[tokio::main] 18async fn main() { 19 // build our application with a single route 20 let app = Router::new().route("/", get(stream_response)); 21 22 // run our app with hyper 23 let addr = SocketAddr::from(([127, 0, 0, 1], 3000)); 24 println!("listening on {}", addr); 25 axum::Server::bind(&addr) 26 .serve(app.into_make_service()) 27 .await 28 .unwrap(); 29}

In this example, we use futures::stream::iter to create a simple stream from a vector of &str. Each chunk of the stream is then converted to a Result<_, hyper::Error>, which is required by Body::wrap_stream. This stream is then used to create a Body that is returned as part of the response.

This is a basic example to demonstrate streaming responses. Depending on your use case, you might be streaming data from a file, a database, or another source. The key part is to convert your data into a stream and then use Body::wrap_stream to create a response body that Axum can send back to the client.

Claude 3 Opus
how do I create a route that streams a response?

Cody Context Enabled!

Read 357 lines in 17 files

To create a route that streams a response in Axum, you can use the axum::body::StreamBody type. Here's an example of how to create a route that streams a response:

1use axum::{ 2 body::StreamBody, 3 response::IntoResponse, 4 routing::get, 5 Router, 6}; 7use futures::stream::{self, Stream}; 8use std::time::Duration; 9 10async fn stream() -> impl IntoResponse { 11 let stream = stream::repeat(b"data: Hello, world!\n\n") 12 .map(Ok) 13 .throttle(Duration::from_secs(1)); 14 15 StreamBody::new(stream) 16} 17 18let app = Router::new().route("/stream", get(stream));

In this example:

  1. We define an async function called stream that returns an impl IntoResponse.

  2. Inside the stream function, we create a Stream using stream::repeat that repeatedly yields the bytes b"data: Hello, world!\n\n". This creates an infinite stream of the same data.

  3. We use map(Ok) to wrap each item in the stream with Ok to convert it into a Result.

  4. We use throttle to limit the rate at which items are emitted from the stream. In this case, we throttle the stream to emit items every 1 second using Duration::from_secs(1).

  5. We create a StreamBody using StreamBody::new and pass the stream to it. StreamBody implements IntoResponse, so it can be returned directly from the handler.

  6. Finally, we create a route using get(stream) and mount it on the /stream path using Router::new().route("/stream", ...).

When a client makes a request to /stream, the stream handler will be invoked, and the response will be streamed back to the client. The client will receive the data "data: Hello, world!\n\n" every 1 second indefinitely.

You can customize the stream by generating your own data and adjusting the throttling duration as needed.

Note that streaming responses are useful for scenarios like server-sent events (SSE), where you want to continuously send data to the client over a long-lived connection.